Monday, February 27, 2017

The Truth About Soda & Sugary Beverages

The Truth About Soda & Sugary Beverages
Did you know that when you drink soda with your meals, your body is unable to absorb the nutrients from your food. Soda contains phosphoric acid. When combined with the acid in your stomach, the acidity level is too high for the nutrients to be absorbed. It even slows digestion. Consuming any sugar filled beverage, like soda, has many effects on the body, such as storing belly fat, spikes in glucose levels that can lead to heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Here is a good video that explains and shows more, in detail, the effects of not only soda but any sugar filled beverage; The following link is also a good resource as well that tells more about the effects of soda;
Our challenge to you is to start drinking more water, if you drink nothing but soda or other sugary beverages, start with just replacing soda with water at mealtime. There are different suggestions on your daily water intake we suggest taking your body-weight, dividing it by 2, and drinking that in fluid ounces or converting fluid ounces to cups by dividing the fluid ounces by 8.
Average Daily Water Intake in fluid ounces (fl oz)
=  Body weight in pounds (lbs)  =  __fl oz__   =   cups per day
2               8 fl oz

Example:          120 lbs  =  60 fluid oz  = 7.5 cups per day
     2          8 fl oz

Setting SMART goals are a good way to keep you on track for success.
S: Specific : usually answers The Five “W’s” : What, Why, Who, Where, Which
M: Measurable : usually answers “How much?” and “How many?”
A: Action-Oriented : what you are doing, statement should describe a result
R: Realistic : goals that matter, usually answers “yes” to “Is it worth it? Is this the right time?”
T: Time-bound : “By when?”Attaining the goal in a certain time frame or specific deadline

S: Limit soda intake to one 16 fl oz bottle per week in 2 months
M: Replace soda at lunch and afternoon snack time with water and lemon
A: When grocery shopping, buy water and lemons instead of soda
R: Limiting soda intake to one 16 fl oz bottle per week by replacing it with water and lemons
T: Limit soda intake to one 16 fl oz bottle per week by May 1st, 2017

Here's a SMART Goal Worksheet to help you:

“Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.”
-Proverbs 4:26

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